February 15, 2025
Securus software is the most advanced and unique filtering, monitoring and reporting software available today. Securus provides monitoring and detection, recording and reporting of any data activities in violation of Sidmouth College's AUP (Acceptable Use Policy), whether generated internally or externally, on-line or off-line. Captures of all AUP violations are recorded as screen captures, along with the time, workstation name, user identity, application and violating word or phrase.

Securus software is the most advanced and unique filtering, monitoring and reporting software available today. Securus provides monitoring and detection, recording and reporting of any data activities in violation of Sidmouth College’s AUP (Acceptable Use Policy), whether generated internally or externally, on-line or off-line. Captures of all AUP violations are recorded as screen captures, along with the time, workstation name, user identity, application and violating word or phrase.

Securus monitors Sidmouth College’s network for unacceptable words and phrases. Any misuse is recorded which allowing staff to take appropriate action. Due to the fact pupils know they’re being monitored, Securus also provides a powerful incentive for pupils to use ICT safely and concentrate  in lessons. Learning good habits at school prepare pupils for life beyond the school gates.

How it works?
Monitoring detects when swear words, abusive language or explicit images appear on-screen. All programmes and websites are covered including email, instant messaging, social networking sites and Microsoft Word. A record is taken of any misuse or cause for concern, along with the identity of the user. Staff review the records and decide if action needs to be taken.

What it prevents?
Staff are alerted to any pupils who have been using bullying or threatening behaviour and inappropriate websites. It also gives an early warning to potentially harmful situations, like predator grooming, drugs or signs of depression or suicide. Evidence helps staff choose the best course of action, from support for victims of bullying, protecting a vulnerable child to advising a pupil who is acting inappropriately.